Can you imagine having a wardrobe of pieces you love and wearing them on a regular basis? You can! Even if today you don’t spot a lot of love when you look into your closet, there are simple steps you could take to turn that around.
Here’s a heads up: You may need to develop some new habits, make a few edits or add a few pieces to your wardrobe, but I know you’re up to it!
Here’s a list of steps that will move you ever closer to having a fully functioning wardrobe that you love and that loves you back.
1. Pull out some pieces you’re fond of but haven’t been wearing. Put them in the front of your closet so they’re in full view every time you open your closet door. Challenge yourself to choose one of those items each day and wear them in outfits this week.
2. Edit out the items you love but that don’t work anymore, such as a blouse that no longer fits, pants that itch or are too short, etc. No excuses. Let go of items that don’t serve you.
3. Wear the family treasures handed down to you by loved ones. You don’t have to wait for special occasions to wear Aunt Sally’s silk scarves that you loved as a kid.
4. Put shoe trees inside your favorite shoes as soon as you take them off at the end of the day. Shoe trees will preserve the shape of your shoes and extend the life of them.
5. If something looks yellowed, tired or dingy, remove it from your closet so your favorite pieces will come into focus.
6. Hang up your clothes at the end of the day instead of leaving them in a heap. All too often, people send clothes to the cleaners or wash and dry them when all they really need is to be hung up and aired out.
7. Use a full-length mirror as a tool to aid you in building outfits from items you love and to fully appreciate how great you look. I have one in my room where I dress and one in the garage to do a last moment look with my coat and gloves on before getting in the car.
8. It’s easy to love a garment that feels good. It may be time to edit any items in your closet that are scratchy or uncomfortable.
9. If you’re not wearing a favorite necklace because you need a certain earring style to go with it, go shopping. The sooner you have that earring, the sooner you’ll love wearing that necklace. I have a running list of items that would be great additions when time and budget allow. I keep it tucked in my wallet. It also keeps me on track to avoid buying more than needed.
10. If you have a favorite pair of shoes or a handbag that’s showing wear, take it to a professional who will bring it back to life.
11. Use Pinterest or Instagram images to inspire new ways to wear jeans, pants, skirts, or dresses. Look at unique color combinations that appeal to you and give them a try to spice things up.
12. Remove the plastic from your dry cleaned items as soon as you get them home. Your clothes will last longer if you do!
13. If you have tarnished silver accessories that you aren’t using, polish them up so you reach for them more often. If you know the maintenance of certain items is more than you want to do, donate or sell the items.
14. Attend in-store fashion shows to learn new styling tips to try at home. Just avoid being sold on items you don’t really need or want.
If you look in your closet and see items that are neither uplifting nor inspiring, let’s chat. Complimentary Style Chat Sessions are informative and fun. I can help you create a wardrobe that fits your needs so you’ll be loving everything you wear!
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